Q: Should I search by first name or last name?
A: Last Name, followed by first name or initial.
Q: Can I search using wildcards? (*)
A: No. Searching from the Name field will automatically produce a wildcard after the name you type. Typing the last name of an individual or the first name of a business will suffice for this search box.
When searching by address however, the "floating alpha" quality of the search will produce all results including the string you specify - it automatically returns all records that include your string.
Q: Can I include only part of the list number?
A: No - when searching by list number, you must be precise.
Q: I'm having trouble with the search / found a bug in your code.
A: Please report all problems to:
for the fastest resolution. Thank You for your help!
All information is based on payments posted during the calendar year 2024.